Saturday, October 10, 2009

More Shark Sightings: If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em

This morning as I took a friend for a surf lesson at Ocean Park in Santa Monica, California, all the surfers were abuzz about the leopard sharks along the shore. I laughed it off until we headed down towards the waves. I am not exaggerating when I say hundreds of fins were flipping in and out of the shore break. As we approached the water we could see schools of leopard sharks swimming along the shore where the ocean meets the sand. The sharks ranged in size from about a foot to about three feet. All we could do was laugh. They didn't seem to be bother the other surfers out in the water, and, well, it was the perfect day for a lesson, so I walked out shuffling my feet, yelling, and splashing to scare them away. My ever brave protégé tagged along behind me. They were only very close to shore so there weren't any sharks to bother us at the break, but let's just say my student never fell off her board as she rode it in. She told me her horoscope this morning said, " you will have great stories to tell." No kidding.--Rebecca Heller

P.S. If anyone has any photos, please share them with us.

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